Confusion often surrounds trainees and internships. While they’re sometimes used interchangeably, they’re not the same thing. Colleges advise students to do internships, whether paid or not, with no specific laws governing internships. But when it comes to trainees, organizations must follow certain rules before bringing them on board.
The Labor Act of 2017 states that anyone can work as a trainee if their educational institute approves. Being a trainee isn’t the same as being a regular worker according to this law. However, if someone is hired for tasks not in their approved training, they become a regular worker.

Trainees shouldn’t work more than 8 hours a day or 48 hours a week. They have rights to safety at work, medical support, and compensation if injured. If trainees do tasks outside their training, they might become regular workers.
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Get Internship in Nepal: 5 Powerful Strategies for Easy Success
As per the Labor Act, employers can hire people as trainees for on-the-job learning. Training shouldn’t go beyond a year. If specific tasks need certain training times, trainees can work for that period.
Employers must offer trainees at least minimum pay and social benefits like sick leave, insurance, and more. After training, companies don’t have to keep trainees as regular workers. Also, trainees don’t need a probation period.
The Labor Act is crucial for employers. All companies must follow it, and breaking it leads to penalties. If an employer goes against the Act and hires a trainee, they might face a fine of up to NPR 10,000.
By understanding these differences and following the rules, companies ensure they’re providing the right opportunities and learning experiences.
What is the minimum wage in Nepal as per Labour law?
The current minimum wage in Nepal is NPR15,000.00 per month in 2023.
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